According to its presentation

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According to its presentation

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Overall classification
Brands can be classified in several ways, depending on their characteristics and the impact they seek to generate. A general classification includes product or service brands, which focus specifically on what you offer. For example, “Bimbo” in Mexico is more than just bread; it represents quality and tradition in bakery products. Other categories are collective brands, used by a group of companies, such as “Tequila,” protected as a designation of origin that ensures its authenticity and quality.

The presentation of a brand is crucial for its recognition and recall. These can be nominative , using only text, such as “Telcel”, synonymous with telecommunications in Mexico. Graphic brands, such as list of australia whatsapp phone numbers the eagle of “Aeroméxico”, use a logo to be identified. Mixed brands combine both elements, such as “Corona”, where the name and the crown logo are equally emblematic.

Innovative and experimental
Sound brands , such as the distinctive tone of “Movistar,” use a specific sound to be recognized. Olfactory brands, although less common, use a particular scent to identify a service or product. These types of brands reflect how creativity and innovation can play a fundamental role in building a unique and memorable brand identity.


Registered trademark
A registered trademark provides legal protection for your business identity, and this protection translates into the exclusive right to use the mark in relation to the products or services specified in the registration.

In Mexico, a registered trademark is protected by the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) , which prevents other companies from using a similar mark in a way that could cause confusion. For example, once “Cielito Querido Café” registers its name and logo, these elements become its exclusive intellectual property, providing security and a legal framework for its defense in the event of infringements or disputes.
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