How can I chat with my group contacts?

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[email protected]
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How can I chat with my group contacts?

Post by [email protected] »

Important note: Mailfence chat is only available for paid users.

Can only be used by Mailfence users who share a group with you.

Like many instant messaging services, our chat system allows you to see which members of a group are online. You can check this by clicking on the green dot (web chat client) at the bottom right of the screen to open the instant messaging panel. Any contact who is online will display a green dot in their tab.

With Mailfence's secure chat feature, you can quickly list of algeria whatsapp phone numbers check which contacts are online.
To access this secure chat, simply click on the tab of the group member you want to talk to. A new window will open next to the list. Use it to type your message, press “Enter,” and that’s it! Your message has been sent and your contact can instantly reply.

Participants write messages in Mailfence's secure chat feature
Collaborate securely with Mailfence Chat
This instant messaging feature is great for collaboration and teamwork. It's faster and more pleasant to use than traditional email for sharing feedback and moving forward on any project. Plus, you can open as many windows as you need to interact in real time with all your team members.


Setting up a meeting with your team will be super easy. You can securely chat about the topic with participants, quickly check their availability or get their feedback, for example.

Plus, it's possible to multitask while chatting. You can edit a document, compose an email, or schedule a calendar appointment while chatting. Another key point is that the entire team can collaborate on the same document in the document tool while chatting.

Mailfence Jabber chat doesn't allow you to share screens or images, preventing potential malicious malware downloads. And, because our document tool scans all uploaded documents for viruses, you know you'll be able to collaborate more securely in your Mailfence environment.
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