Go to SSL/TLS Manager in your cPanel control panel.
Under Install and manage SSL for your site (HTTPS) , click Manage SSL sites .
Select the domain you are installing the SSL certificate for and paste the certificate code from your service provider.
Click Install Certificate to complete the process.
Configuring SSL on Apache
Place your SSL certificate and private список телефонных номеров литвы key files in a secure directory on your server.
Edit your Apache configuration file, usually located at /etc/http/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or /etc/apache2/sites-available/yourdomain.conf .
Add the following lines:

Save and exit, then restart Apache with sudo systemctl restart apache2 or sudo service httpd restoret .
Setting up SSL on Nginx
Put your SSL certificate and key in a secure folder.
Edit your Nginx configuration file, which is often located at /etc/nginx/sites-available/yourdomain :
م الخادم_اسم الخادم yourdomain.com؛
Save and close the configuration file, then restart Nginx using sudo systemctl restart nginx .
Other control panels: Plesk, DirectAdmin, etc.
For other hosting environments like Plesk or DirectAdmin, follow the SSL installation instructions for that control panel. Each has an SSL/TLS section where you can upload and apply your SSL certificate.
Step 5: Update your website to HTTPS
After installing your SSL certificate, it's time to ensure your website is securely using HTTPS.