Influencer relations: a win-win exchange

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Influencer relations: a win-win exchange

Post by simarahman5835 »

What is the interest for your company in contacting the press? To increase its visibility and notoriety. When you contact an influencer, you are also looking to make yourself more visible on the internet and especially on social networks . However, unlike journalists, you cannot hope to obtain an article, a video or an Instagram photo with a simple press release.

Influencers create content. They share good deals, new products, good addresses to their community according to their sensitivity and interests. And few will write about your company without having been able to try your product or service . Influencer relationships must be a win-win exchange .

“It has to be a give and take. The partner offers a service or product that I have to test to make it known to as many people as possible.” Élodie – Maman Poulpe

Offering a product to an influencer is not a contract . You cannot force them to write an article about your brand if they did not like it. Their blog, YouTube channel or Instagram account is their domain, their space. Without financial exchange, you cannot impose anything on the influencer.

Be careful, a financial exchange does not authorize you to order what the influencer can or cannot write! If you have chosen to work with him, it is because you know his work and appreciate his creativity. This is also why we call on an influencer: to have an external and creative perspective on his products. Don't forget, E-RP is a win-win exchange. An influencer will not be able to convince his community if he cannot be himself.

“I like creative partnerships, without too many guidelines! italy whatsapp number data It’s great to be able to promote a brand as you wish, and according to each one’s own way of doing things! That’s what brings richness to the marketing campaigns of brands that use influencers! Everyone brings their own touch!” Marion – Brèves Au Féminin.


For successful influencer relationships, don't forget the human element.
I think you understood by reading these lines, the most important thing in E-RP is the human! Influencers are not machines, nor numbers and even less billboards. A successful partnership can be extremely beneficial for your company. It is one of the best ways to reach the youngest, who consume information mainly via social networks.

Putting people at the center of your E-RP approach is also a way to create long-term partnerships . An influencer marketing operation is not necessarily a one-shot. If the collaboration goes well and benefits both parties, the influencer will have no trouble talking about your brand and your new products or services again!

“When both parties are happy, long-term partnerships are cool! It’s a climate of trust. Personally, I like it when a brand contacts me again. I feel like I’ve done a good job and it makes me want to help the brand.” Hortense – My Little Quail

As you can see, press relations and influencer relations do not work in the same way because the goals and objectives of a press campaign and an influencer campaign are different.
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