On advertising addition, . A large conversion here is significantly higher than on advertising platforms.In addition, a large thematic . Marketplace provides professional technical support, convenient analytics and reporting tools. This at the end of . August, it became known that google was implementing a new policy called “limited ads display,” . The purpose of which is to make advertising more transparent and honest, thereby protecting users . From misleading advertising materials.
To a greater extent, this policy affects new usa student data and unknown advertisers . Whose advertising may potentially be fraudulent or a way to distort real information. Be able . Limit the display from now on, google's protocol will be able to limit the display . Of such ads on its own platforms to protect users.Probationary period for new advertisersif previously . Companies with even minimal experience could launch advertising on google without any restrictions or conditions, .
Now they will have a kind of trial period. During this time, advertisers may face . Some restrictions in terms of ad impressions.Initially, the application of this policy is planned in . Cases where the advertiser sets up an advertising campaign targeting certain brands. Unclear whether really . Cooperates with first of all, when it is unclear whether he really cooperates with the . Brand or wants to use a well-known name for his own purposes.
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