In 1982, a harrowing incident unfolded in Chicago where seven individuals tragically lost their lives due to the ingestion of cyanide-contaminated Tylenol capsules, an over-the-counter medication manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. This unsettling event, regrettably, remains unresolved. Nevertheless, the manner in which the company responded to this crisis has left an indelible mark as a textbook example of effective crisis management.
The Response
Faced with this grim situation, Johnson & Johnson brazil whatsapp number list female launched an immediate and comprehensive response. This response entailed suspending all product advertisements and disseminating a staggering 450,000 notifications to healthcare institutions and other relevant stakeholders. Additionally, they took the proactive step of issuing safety advisories to consumers.
Remarkably, despite evidence pointing towards the accidental introduction of the toxic substance via store shelves, a factor outside the company’s control, Johnson & Johnson did not attempt to conceal this unsettling truth. Instead, the company initiated the production of tamper-proof packaging. James Burke, the CEO at the time, even expressed remorse in hindsight for not expeditiously transitioning to a more secure caplet following the incident.