Phases in the job search process, what are they?

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Phases in the job search process, what are they?

Post by sakib36 »

In the job search process, there are some key phases or stages, common to all people, which you need to know beforehand in order to approach them with strategy and determination. The more knowledge and preparation you have of these phases, the more likely you are to find a sustainable job over time, adapted to your needs and expectations. Do you want to know what these phases are? Let's get started!

This first phase is crucial. In it you should focus on understanding who you are as indonesia phone number data a professional, what skills you have and what your interests, values ​​and competencies are. This initial stage involves reflecting on your strengths and areas for improvement, as well as defining what type of work would make you happy and in which you could contribute the most value. The Adecco Foundation's guide "You are what you like" can help you in this process. Find out more about self-knowledge and personal strengths.

The plan to organize the search


It's important to create a detailed action plan or roadmap for your job search. Using this plan, you can set specific goals (for example, sending at least two self-applications per week, making a valuable contact on LinkedIn every three days, identifying target companies, or setting a schedule for different job search actions).

Preparing your personal brand
Fundamental to presenting yourself professionally to the world. This personal brand is built both physically (what image you project, how you conduct yourself in a job interview and even how you answer the phone), as well as digitally: how you present your CV, what positioning you have on the Internet (if you google your name, does professional information appear? Could some content harm you, by being too personal or controversial?

This phase also includes gathering professional references. Try to get positive recommendations from former bosses and/or coworkers.
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