Did your unique monthly visitors increase or decrease? By what percentage?

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Did your unique monthly visitors increase or decrease? By what percentage?

Post by Joyzfsdsk322 »

The first step to evaluating your goals is to have data reporting software set up. Once you do, it’s time to see if your unique monthly visitors have increased. Whether you’ve reached your goal or not, ask yourself the following questions to review your progress:

► Are you ranking for specific keywords?
► Was there a trend (increase or decrease) in visitors in your industry?

An increase or decrease in unique monthly visitors is not enough to office 365 database measure the overall success of your content goal or strategy. Are you ranking for your targeted keywords? If yes, your content strategy is working and your placement in the SERPs can lead to further increases in the future. If not, re-evaluate and adopt new SEO methods for growth.

When evaluating your performance, you may also need to measure factors outside of your control, for example, industry trends. Was there a mutual drop in unique monthly views between you and your competitors? It’s possible that your keyword MSV wasn’t as high as in previous months. A decrease in MSV for your keywords is out of your control. However, it’s your responsibility to pivot and find out what your target audience is searching for.

☛How many visitors should your site receive?☚


In content strategy and marketing, consistency is key. How many visitors should your site get? Ultimately, it all comes down to consistency with the tips presented above. Are you keeping up with industry best practices to guide your MSV knowledge? Are you regularly evaluating your content to boost your SEO? Are you updating your information to guide your goals?

There is no magic number when it comes to monthly website visitors. Evaluate your website and use its current metrics to determine where you want to be in one, six, or 12 months from now. Change rarely happens overnight. Set reasonable goals with realistic timelines and you will eventually see growth.
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