The “wheel” electricity meters are a thing of the past, as the digital version of this device has been installed in homes since 2010. Although they are very easy to understand, you may have some questions about how an electricity meter works . Keep reading to resolve them all.
What is an electric meter?
An electric meter or electricity meter is a device that measures the electricity consumption of a home . Electronic meters are different from electromechanical meters mainly because of their technology, which also makes them more reliable, more precise, safer and more functional .
Advantages of a digital electricity meter?
With the electricity meter or digital meter, it is possible to read buy phone number list consumption remotely because these devices are equipped with communications that allow the distribution company to access them electronically. Remember that a reading provides us with the kilowatt hours consumed, which is key to the amount of the corresponding billing by your supplier .
A digital meter also allows you to apply different rates and record hourly consumption corresponding to the Small Consumer Sales Price (PVPC).
Another advantage of the digital electricity meter is that it allows contractual modifications to be made remotely .
How do digital light meters work?
Understanding how an electricity meter works is very simple. These devices continuously measure your home's electricity consumption , recording it by hour, day and month.
Do you know how to read a digital electricity meter?
One of the advantages of the digital electricity meter is that the reading is carried out electronically by the distributor, and it is not necessary to do it in person . The distributor then sends the information retrieved to the marketer so that it can invoice the consumption corresponding to each period.
What are the components of an electricity meter that you should know?
Reading screen: here you can check your electricity consumption at a glance and in real time .
Power Control Switch (ICP): controls the power demanded by your electrical installation. If at any time you exceed the contracted power, it disconnects and has to be reconnected once the number of electrical appliances connected at the same time has been reduced . If this happens to you often, you may need to increase the maximum contracted power .
Serial or identification number: you will find it on the data plate and it is unique for each manufacturer, so it is used to link your consumption to your contract .