Pinterest for Business: What is it and how to create an account? 0
Discover Pinterest for business.
Pinterest for Business is the visual search engine's platform that is designed to give brands a space to share ideas and gain visibility. It has a number of unique features to achieve these goals, the most notable of which are Analytics, Ads Manager and Predicts.
These are some of its features:

Pinterest Business service gives you the ability to create a business profile in minutes, for free and with cross-platform support.
It is estimated that 84% of users enter with a purchase intention in mind.
Today, the image search engine has more than 450 million monthly pinners.
Pinterest is among the top 15 most popular social networks in the world for January 2023, according to Statista, which significantly favors the business section.
For these and other more specific reasons, Pinterest Business is considered an ideal sales channel, regardless of the industry.