According to a recent report by Altimeter, organizations are increasingly confronted with a growing gap between the dynamic world of social media and the lagging knowledge of their own employees. For most organizations, training and education in this area is a top priority, but it is still not given enough substance. And that while stories about successful social businesses keep popping up. How is that possible?
The Altimeter report concludes that there are two reasons that organizations give as a basis for more education and training of their own employees. Firstly, educating employees on social media ensures that the organization protects itself from employees who do not know how to use these channels. Think for example of wrong choices when using public or private messages or underestimating the virality of channels such as Twitter. By emphasizing the risks, employees are also protected from themselves.
Secondly, the companies buy cameroon whatsapp number database surveyed state that training is essential to increase the effectiveness of social media use by employees, both on company-owned platforms (blogs, communities) and on public social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. Identifying internal ambassadors and activating this group is also part of this.
Altimeter research: Companies make social media training and courses a top priority
Altimeter research: Companies make social media training a top priority.
Socially minded
Companies like Zappos, where the majority of employees are socially minded , provide regular training for employees. But the basis of the success of these companies lies in the HR policy. Zappos is a young company, where culture is the most important aspect when hiring staff.