What is Asperger's Syndrome?
Asperger Syndrome is defined by the WHO as a severe and chronic Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) that affects social relationships and emotional and behavioural development. As a result, people with this syndrome have a different perception of social relationships, which causes their learning processes to also be different. Studies indicate that Asperger Syndrome affects 3 to 5 individuals per 1000, and many more men than women.
Asperger and employment
When it comes to f the figures show that people with jordan phone number data disabilities are the ones who encounter the most difficulties. Particularly, when it comes to people with Asperger Syndrome, the rates are very high.
The United Nations recently announced that 80% of people with Asperger's around the world are unemployed. In places around the world such as the United Kingdom, for example, where unemployment rates are very low, Asperger's already reach a 75% unemployment rate. In Spain, the statistics are at 85% and in other countries it is even over 95%. These figures should lead us to reflect and to implement actions that empower people with Asperger's, while stopping workplace discrimination.
#TalentWithoutLabels as a response
On International Asperger's Day, and every day, at the Adecco Foundation we are committed to #EmploymentForAll and #TalentWithoutLabels in selection processes, which should only focus on skills.
Personal autonomy and improved education at all stages are probably the two requirements that must be incorporated in different countries around the world in order to reduce the percentage of exclusion of people with Asperger's.