"The Social Network," a film about the origins of Facebook, as an exercise in entrepreneurship

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"The Social Network," a film about the origins of Facebook, as an exercise in entrepreneurship

Post by Aklima@42 »

It can be said that "The Social Network" is a fairly accurate representation of how people in the United States set out to achieve the American dream. This time, it is not a question of doing it from a garage, but from a gloomy shared room at Harvard, where, surrounded by computers, the protagonist begins to develop his idea to build the largest social network in the world. The film shows up to the celebration of the first million Facebook users, although as of this writing, there have already been more than 500 million worldwide.

"The Social Network" is directed by David Fincher and written by Aaron Sorkin , who adapted the novel "Accidental Billionaires" by Ben Mezrich . The film mainly depicts the finance and banking email list legal dispute over the recognition of Facebook 's authorship , in a way that is typical of American films and is very difficult to translate into the more rigid Spanish legal environment.

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It is difficult or complicated to convey how management and entrepreneurship are carried out in the United States. The film shows, without any shame, how many of the concepts that are valued in Europe or Spain, such as friendship, loyalty or property, are reduced to figures and results. Perhaps it is a matter of time before they are diluted and capitalist entrepreneurs are created with the sole objective of making money at any price.


The United States is the country of successful entrepreneurs, of ideas that triumph because all its citizens compete on equal terms to take advantage of opportunities and achieve their dreams. This is the hallmark and identity of a society that has managed to turn several generations of citizens into engines of the world economy since the declaration of independence. For this society, the price to pay for leaving a few corpses behind is ridiculous compared to the possibilities of enrichment and success. It does not matter what a person sacrifices in the intimate sphere and in their relationships, what really counts is the maximization of profit.

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The film begins with an extraordinary scene of an unrequited relationship between a girl and Zuckerberg. This lack of harmony between the two is what will generate a reaction of rage and spite towards the young woman, creating facemash.com in a few hours using all possible computer resources, some of them in a not very legal way.
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