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Beyond the Advent Calendar: Some Ideas for Using Leevia Calendar

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:09 am
by Rajulk985
An idea for a truly engaging Advent calendar could be to assign a group of different prizes to each of the 24 days leading up to Christmas. On December 24, which corresponds to Christmas Eve, it is advisable to dare with a group of prizes of greater value (e.g. a weekend for two people, if your company works in the travel sector).

The advice, when launching a series of online contests with Leevia Calendar, is to use prizes relevant to your business . This allows you to attract above all qualified contacts on which to activate lead nurturing strategies . On the contrary, by offering prizes that have nothing to do with your business, the very high risk would be to attract contacts interested more in the prizes than in the company itself.

Here are some ideas for online contest calendars to use at times other than Christmas.

Celebrate Black Friday
For this 2022, Black Friday falls on November 25. An idea to use this occasion, increasingly popular in Italy too, is to organize an Instant Win contest with Leevia Calendar lasting four days, for example from Thursday to Sunday.

Every day you can give away a predefined number of high-value country email list discount coupons (e.g. 50%) to spend in your physical or online store, within a given period of time (e.g. 14 days). The advantages are multiple on both sides: you will improve your lead generation and brand engagement strategy, users will be able to win high-value discount coupons with which to make purchases, for themselves or for Christmas gifts, in a convenient way.

In short, an absolutely win-win strategy with benefits for both parties.


Launch a new product
You can also use Leevia Calendar to support and promote the launch of a new product on the market. For example, about ten days before the official launch you can invite your users to open a box a day to try to win some fabulous prizes up for grabs, obviously consistent with your business.

The last box can be used to put up for grabs the new product you are launching, so as to offer it as a preview, at least virtually, to a small number of winning users of the day and create even more hype .

Back to work and/or back to school
The Leevia Calendar can also be used as a countdown for back to work / back to school . September and January are the times of the year when many people work on good intentions and are more receptive to the stimuli received online.