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What is Form 130 for? Obligation to submit it.

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:12 am
by Aklima@4
Form 130 is a quarterly declaration of personal income tax (IRPF) in which the fractional payment of this tax is settled, on account of the annual declaration that is made the following year.

This model is the method used by the Treasury to collect personal income tax from self-employed persons who are not subject to withholding tax on their income throughout the year. In this way, the taxpayer pays the tax quarterly instead of having to pay everything at once the following year.

Form 130 - Mandatory for whom?
Filing Form 130 is mandatory for self-employed individuals who carry out economic activities and declare their personal income tax by means of a normal or simplified direct estimate . It is also mandatory for partners in civil companies and joint property partnerships in the same case, who must each declare individually the percentage that corresponds to them in the distribution of profits.

The model consists of the settlement on account of a night clubs and bars email list percentage of the profits obtained throughout the quarter.

It is not mandatory for self-employed persons who carry out professional activities , provided that at least 70% of their income from said activity has had withholding or payment on account.

What is declared in this tax form is the accumulated net income for the year. Thus, in the first quarter you have to declare the net income from January 1 to March 31, and in the second quarter you add the corresponding amount.

Net income is the difference between the income obtained and the tax-deductible expenses of the activity. In each quarter, the accumulated net income of the year is added up, but the percentage that you have to pay, 20%, will only apply to the quarter to which the declaration corresponds.


If the result is a payment, you can hand it in at any bank and make the deposit in cash, or submit it electronically so that it is charged directly from your account.

If the result does not indicate payment, you can also deliver it in person to any Tax Agency office or to the Post Office.

Remember: If you are self-employed and pay taxes under the direct assessment system , you must submit Form 130 at the end of each quarter.

Here you have information on how to fill out form 130.