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How to Write a Blog?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 4:43 am
One of the most common questions I get from our small business clients is, “Should I add a blog?”

I always worry when this question comes up because many business owners still don't realize how big of a business this is.

On the other hand, blogging is one of the canada phone number library best ways to be visible to your ideal customers, establish authority, attract targeted traffic, and win SEO love.

“It’s just writing a few paragraphs from time to time, how hard can it be?” The problem is, just “having a blog” isn’t enough ― that’s easy.

The hard part is, having a blog that helps attract and convert customers requires dedication and consistency. You shouldn’t cry under the blanket over readers who run away from your hours of content in 3 seconds, you should have nerves of steel to win them back.

Blogging Is A Much Bigger Responsibility Than You Think_1

Conventional wisdom about blogging used to be that it was all about quantity. It didn’t really matter what you posted, as long as you did it consistently.


These days, online content consumers and Google are smarter, more particular, and harder to please.

I bet you have a few subscribers on your blog, and maybe even a pretty good traffic stream from Google.

But why can't you take it to the next level? Why can't you increase those hundreds of visitors to tens of thousands?