Use Semrush URL Parameters Tool

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Use Semrush URL Parameters Tool

Post by ahbappy250 »

As you can see by now, managing URL parameters is a complex task and you may need some help. When you set up a site audit with Semrush, you can save yourself a lot of headaches by identifying all the URL parameters that should not be crawled in advance .

In the Site Audit tool configuration you will find a dedicated step ( Remove URL parameters ) where you can list the URL parameters to ignore during crawling (UTM, page, language, etc.).

This is useful because, as we said before, not germany phone number list all URLs containing parameters need to be crawled and indexed. Parameters that modify content do not usually cause duplicate content and other SEO issues, so indexing them adds value to your website .

If you already have a project set up on Semrush, you can edit the URL parameters settings by clicking on the gear icon.

Incorporate URL Parameters into Your SEO Strategy
Parametric URLs make it easier to modify or track content, so it’s worth incorporating them when necessary. You’ll want to let web crawlers know when to index certain URLs containing parameters and highlight the most valuable version of the page.


Take the time to decide which parametric URLs should not be indexed. Over time, web crawlers will better understand how to navigate and evaluate your site's pages.If you create parameters to help users navigate to your online shoe store landing page, all URL variations should include the canonical tag that identifies the main landing page as the referring page. For example:


In this case, the three URLs above are "related" to the non-parametric women's shoes landing page. This signals crawlers that only the main landing page should be indexed, not the parametric URLs.
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