More than 200 SEO positioning factors
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 4:05 am
It is often estimated that Google's algorithm takes into account around 200 SEO ranking factors. Or even more, according to other experts. In reality, these 200 criteria are based on experience, observation and, why not say it, speculation.
Google constantly changes its algorithm (about 500 times a year), to europe cell phone number list the point that it has become one of the best kept secrets on the internet . Most of the time it does so with imperceptible modifications, but from time to time it makes important changes that significantly alter the search results.
All these factors are usually grouped into two large blocks : the so-called On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO, two concepts that you have surely come across on more than one occasion. In short, On-Page SEO is everything we can do within our website to achieve better positioning in search engines, while Off-Page SEO has to do with the techniques we use outside our website to improve our visibility in search engines.
Obviously, we have more control over the image we want to project about our brand than over the way others see us. That's why it's much easier to act on On-Page SEO , which is what we can control in a simpler way, so that's the category we're going to focus most of these SEO tips for company websites on.
Google constantly changes its algorithm (about 500 times a year), to europe cell phone number list the point that it has become one of the best kept secrets on the internet . Most of the time it does so with imperceptible modifications, but from time to time it makes important changes that significantly alter the search results.
All these factors are usually grouped into two large blocks : the so-called On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO, two concepts that you have surely come across on more than one occasion. In short, On-Page SEO is everything we can do within our website to achieve better positioning in search engines, while Off-Page SEO has to do with the techniques we use outside our website to improve our visibility in search engines.
Obviously, we have more control over the image we want to project about our brand than over the way others see us. That's why it's much easier to act on On-Page SEO , which is what we can control in a simpler way, so that's the category we're going to focus most of these SEO tips for company websites on.