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At Hiperestrategia we help you grow in Sales

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:18 am
by Blessing
Trulli Write to us
Mon, Aug 05, 2019 @ 05:43 PM
7 tips to increase your sales in the off-season
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Businesses generally have 2 seasons:

A high where sales are flowing normally and efforts are directed towards gaining the largest share of the market and solidifying brand presence.
The downturn where sales are falling and sales and marketing efforts are focused on doing everything possible to meet budget.
In this article, we will give you some tips to increase your sales in the most difficult times for your business, regardless of the industry in which you operate:

1. Create a special contest
The most popular contests are those promoted on social media and invite your community to interact with the brand in exchange for prizes that lead them to live an experience with your products/services.

If you plan to hold a contest, try to make the prize very attractive and then collect the winner's testimonials to:

Generate desire in other members of the community.
Increase brand visibility.
Gain positioning.
Show the human side of the brand.
All of these points help you attract new customers and improve sales because word of mouth (in this case, the winner's testimonial) is one of the most effective ways to generate interest within the community.

2. Special discounts
The foolproof technique when sales are in decline is to discount merchandise that you may have left behind. This way, you meet these objectives:

Liquidate the least requested products.
You get customers to visit your business.
Increase sales during the off-season.

To apply the discounts, take into account this 10-step formula:
Creative and irresistible name.
Regular price of the product.
Discount on the value of the product that encourages customers.
Payment terms that apply to the offer.
Bonus for bulk purchase of the product.
Create a promotional package if there is more than one product on sale.
Communicate the urgency and scarcity of the product.
Set the duration of the promotion.

3. Free shipping
More important and effective than you think.

This action, together with other discounts, is a powerful way to attract the attention of your potential customers so that they make purchases during periods of low sales.

4. Adapt your website for the low season
Regardless of the time of year when your sales fall, it is always important to adapt your website to that moment so that your customers can identify with it.

Images of the beach, sun and sand can be used on your website if your profits are affected during the summer, and the opposite if your cash flow is affected during the winter.

This allows you to stay on trend and make your customers curious to visit your store. At the same time, we recommend communicating the benefits of this season, such as free shipping and promotions.

5. Create strategic alliances
A good way to create exposure and increase sales is to partner, during the off-season, with companies that complement your business and help your marketing/sales actions have a significant impact within the market.

6. Lean on Influencers
Influencers are also a great alternative, especially if we take into country wise email marketing database account the impact that social media has on customer behavior. To choose a good influencer, consider the following:


Quality and Quantity: Analyze the number of followers of the influencer and verify their quality.
Loyalty: Evaluate the relationship between the influencer and the community to determine if there is, in fact, engagement.
Influence: Determine whether the content generated by this person impacts community decision-making.
Audience: Study whether the influencer's community is compatible with the company's Buyer Persona.
As a final recommendation, you need to thoroughly evaluate the person you are going to work with, especially because with the latest changes in social media, the success of strategies is no longer measured by likes, but by engagement.

You need to be clear about the objectives you seek when working with an influencer and establish KPIs adapted to them.

7. Digital media campaign

It is a paid service offered by Google that allows you to highlight your ads using keywords and segment them by search intent, which can be translated into purchase intent.

An Adwords campaign can help you:

Increase qualified traffic to your website.
Increase the visibility of your brand to interested people.
Generate potential clients and close sales.
If you haven't yet run your first campaign, you may experience a period where your sales aren't so good. The best thing about using AdWords is that, if you do it right, you can track the actions that yielded results so you can replicate them later.

Facebook Ads:
Through paid advertising on Facebook, you can promote your fan page, website, event, content or application to spark interest in your target audience and engage in advanced segmentation.

With this type of campaigns you can:

You increase visibility because Facebook is the largest social network in the world.
The probability of virality increases through recommendations from users themselves.
You can develop and measure your campaigns in real time.
You target a specific audience through advanced segmentation.
You can manage minimal investments to have good results.
Possibility to choose what you want to promote.
If you want to take your first steps in Facebook Ads, set your goals and learn more about how to run your campaigns in Facebook BluePrint training .

At Hiperestrategia we help you grow in Sales