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Asking membership questions helps you build an email list

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:18 am
by rh06022005
Facebook groups are among the smartest ways businesses build their email list. And you should take advantage of that too. How?

Recall that you have three formats mexico whatsapp number to ask membership questions from your members when they just join? Well, using one of the formats, as a smart business owner, you can tactfully request emails via the group questions they answer before joining.

Making incoming members answer questions helps in your marketing needs
If you intend to do a market survey, one of the ways to do it is through your own Facebook group. You can set your membership questions to serve that exact purpose.

The answers in the Facebook group membership questions help you sort your email list.
One of the ways to do marketing successfully is by promoting the right product to the right recipients.

new members join, using your membership questions, you can ask specific questions that help you group them in different email lists.

For example, you are a website designer and you also sell accounting services. One question might ask if they have a website for their business. Another question might be if they need to set up accounting software for their business. Then, you can group them into your different lists, one for account accounting and the other for website design for marketing purposes.


What are Good Membership Questions for a Facebook Group?
New Facebook group owners struggle with setting good membership questions for their groups. Their questions are mostly boring, uninspiring, and close-ended.

Hence, new members are not motivated to answer them.

Generally, your Facebook group membership questions should be inspiring to answer, helpful for your marketing campaigns, and warm up your members to you and your group.