Reported Content
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 6:52 am
This is where you see the content that your members reported. Members can also help you monitor the group by reporting posts and comments to the group admin.
The content may be posts or comments.
The content might be spam, unsolicited mobile number data promotional, inappropriate, abusive, discriminative, or violate the group’s rules.
Reported content on Desktop - Facebook group admin tools
As an admin, you can see all of the reported content under this admin tool.
This is not all. What can you do about them and those who posted them?
You can choose to keep or delete the reported post or comment.
You can also choose to suspend, remove, or block the members who posted it.
Sample reported content - Facebook group admin tools
4. Moderation Alert
This admin tool can be used when there’s a potential conflict among group members.
It might be a heated argument, content that goes against Facebook community policy, and so on.
When the Facebook algorithm detects such posts or comments, it will alert you to moderate such.
You can also set up moderation alerts to know about posts or comments that need your attention.
Moderation alerts can only be configured by group administrators and moderators.
You’ll be informed when comments or posts in your Facebook group may require your attention when you set up moderation notifications.
The content may be posts or comments.
The content might be spam, unsolicited mobile number data promotional, inappropriate, abusive, discriminative, or violate the group’s rules.
Reported content on Desktop - Facebook group admin tools
As an admin, you can see all of the reported content under this admin tool.
This is not all. What can you do about them and those who posted them?
You can choose to keep or delete the reported post or comment.
You can also choose to suspend, remove, or block the members who posted it.
Sample reported content - Facebook group admin tools
4. Moderation Alert
This admin tool can be used when there’s a potential conflict among group members.
It might be a heated argument, content that goes against Facebook community policy, and so on.
When the Facebook algorithm detects such posts or comments, it will alert you to moderate such.
You can also set up moderation alerts to know about posts or comments that need your attention.
Moderation alerts can only be configured by group administrators and moderators.
You’ll be informed when comments or posts in your Facebook group may require your attention when you set up moderation notifications.