Blog and social media: what is the impact of both?

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Blog and social media: what is the impact of both?

Post by Abdur7 »

Social media channels can bring several benefits to your blog strategy, not only in distributing content, but also in creating meaningful communication with your audience.
Creating a blog strategy is an important element and takes up a large part of your overall Content Marketing plan . After all, your blog is the main driver of organic traffic to your website and the way you can differentiate your brand from the competition by positioning yourself as a thought leader.

However, blog strategy is much more complicated than defining a few topics and choosing keywords. A complete plan includes many other digital marketing components, such as SEO best practices, design and formatting elements, and social media.

Social media and blog strategies need to be aligned. Otherwise, you'll argentina email list 4.8 million contact leads miss out on distribution opportunities, new audiences, SERP rankings, and more.

Not every marketing professional understands the value of working with social media and blogging in parallel. So, this article will help you with a list of the top 10 reasons why you should do exactly that.

Reason 1: Share content with your followers
Reason 2: Reach new audiences
Reason 3: Improve SEO
Reason 4: Collect valuable data
Reason 5: Improve the quality of your blogs
Reason 6: Find the best hashtags for your brand
Reason 7: Align your team's actions
Reason 8: Increase blog engagement
Reason 9: Research the competition
Reason 10: Establish a dialogue
Conclusion: Having a social media plan is essential for a blog strategy
Reason 1: Share content with your followers


Your social media followers are members of the public who have already demonstrated their dedication to your company and brand. By choosing to become followers of your social media accounts , they have proven that they like your content, products, services, or a combination of all of these.

So, logically, that audience of followers will be interested in the new content you produce with your blog strategy. Sharing that material on your social networks through well-thought-out posts or immediate links after each post makes the content exposed to those who are likely to read it .

If you don't include a social plan in your blog strategy , you may miss out on opportunities for your posts to be viewed and for increased traffic to new pages. Including a plan for sharing new content on channels will give you more visibility among your audience.

You can also automate posts that share content so that when you make a new blog post, it is automatically shared on social media for followers to see. This will help you not forget to share new content and lose potential traffic.
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