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Three Do's and Don'ts for Advertisers

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 5:53 am
by arzina544
Unravel Research conducts EEG brain research into the effectiveness of advertising. Especially during the second half of the corona pandemic, we see a number of recurring patterns in the emotional response of the viewer. Based on this, I have drawn up 3 do's and don'ts:

1. Avoid COVID-related cues unless they are actually intended to evoke negative emotion
Cues such as face masks or phrases such as “in these strange times” generally elicit an aversive response. In exceptional cases, this can have a positive effect on the actual product, if the advertisement uses a problem-solving structure. This is the case with a holiday advertisement that starts with a Covid cue (online group calling) and then cuts to beautiful images of exotic holiday destinations. The neural pain stimulus of corona paves the way for an extra positive reaction to the holiday.

2. Avoid unfamiliar parts of the old normal. The other extreme is also dangerous for advertisers
Images of frenzied crowds of people still elicit somewhat unfamiliar reactions. The classic greeting of shaking hands also proves disastrous. We saw this beautifully expressed in an advertisement that we tested both before and after the lockdown. Before the corona pandemic, shaking hands led to an approving response from the brain. But during a denmark telegram data second measurement during the lockdown, the same moment suddenly turned out to be the low point of the commercial.

3. Show the ideal situation that is achievable in the short term
What can you show as an advertiser? The greatest chance of success for a positive reaction is seen in pleasant social scenes that are actually possible in the short term (or are already secretly done in private). Think of a drink with friends, a dinner with family or a team sport.


In other words: the ideal advertisement shows the world as we would like to see it now, without burning our fingers on things that are far removed from everyday reality. And yes, that includes physical shopping. That hobby is anything but dead.

van Bommel, T., O'Dwyer, C., Zuidgeest, TW, & Poletiek, FH (2015). When the reaper becomes a salesman: The influence of terror management on product preferences. Journal of Economic & Financial Studies, 3(05), 33-42.
Koch, J., Frommeyer, B., & Schewe, G. (2020). Online Shopping Motives during the COVID-19 Pandemic—Lessons from the Crisis. Sustainability, 12(24), 10247.