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How piticas uses ra reviews to generate credibility in its e-commerce

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 7:20 am
by suhashini25
The fashion industry is one of the largest revenue generators in the world, reaching values ​​that exceed US$ 525 billion per year, according to data from the Italian consultancy In contrast, Brazil is on the list of the 10 largest global markets, occupying the ninth position according to Statista.

Before the pandemic, the idea of ​​buying clothes online, without being able to try on or feel the fabric, was unlikely. However, with the advancement of technology to adapt to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the digital fashion market has exploded, becoming one of the largest markets in the world today.

And Piticas wasted no time in also riding the e-commerce wave. Today, Piticas is the largest franchise focused on licensed products in Latin America, with over 450 franchised units, and has consolidated itself as the main geek player in the market.

Who is Piticas and how do they use RA Trustvox?
Piticas was born from the idea of ​​two brothers, Vinicius and Felipe Rossetti, who after living in the United States for 10 years, returned to Brazil in search of an entrepreneurial opportunity. The brothers have always been big fans of pop culture, especially superhero movies, series and games. After analyzing several markets, they had the vision of a business that was not yet explored in Brazil, and had not yet been professionalized: the licensed clothing market, more specifically t-shirts. They dove headfirst into creating a franchise that was different from anything else on the market. Initially, they only opened kiosks, but today they have security and commodity brokers email list both kiosk and store models. With 100% verticalized production, and a focus on developing creativity and paying attention to every detail, the brothers opened their first store in 2010, and since then they have been monitoring all stages of production, employee training and customer satisfaction, valuing quality and creativity in their products. Everything that Piticas produces is unique. The T-shirt production team has a team of designers who are prepared to launch new prints every week. The printing shop uses state-of-the-art imported machinery, in addition to a qualified team trained to produce special effects on the pieces, all of which generates a dynamism that is unmatched in the market. Today, Piticas produces 15 to 20 thousand pieces per day, depending on demand, and offers franchisees in-depth and proactive business consulting. After almost 10 years of existence, Piticas is now the largest franchise focused on the geek market, with over 400 franchised stores and already occupies 34th place in the ABF Ranking of the largest franchises in Brazil.

After a few months of implementing RA Trustvox, we spoke with Anderson, the brand's e-commerce coordinator, who told us a little more about what the experience has been like.

What has changed for Piticas after implementing RA Trustvox?
After implementing RA Trustvox, we saw a significant increase in conversions and also an increase in customer interaction with the brand. The feeling of security on the website increased.


Being close to our customers has made the brand evolve, because understanding what the customer thinks, understanding their pains and needs makes us find new strategies and improvements.

Have you noticed an increase in sales and/or conversion rate after implementing Trustvox?
Yes, says Anderson, as customers' sense of security and trust in the brand increased, this was also reflected in sales.

Since the implementation of the tool, we have already seen an increase in sales of 18%. And we expect this number to increase even further.

Regarding the average session time on the site, have you noticed an increase?
Yes, Anderson reports. In the last 6 months it has increased from 1:50 without trustvox to 8:05 with trustvox.

The explanation for this is that, as consumers usually read around ten reviews before making a purchase decision, they spend more time on the page. This brings benefits to the store's ranking, since search engines understand that the material contained on the site is of value, thus prioritizing it in the ranking.

There's more: Google recently announced an update that focuses entirely on reviews. The goal of the change is to prioritize authentic reviews, you know? Therefore, including a review field in your e-commerce can guarantee better positions in organic rankings.

What Trustvox RA features does Piticas use most?
According to Anderson, Reviews on the ReclameAQUI page, True Reviews Seal, Reports, Answering opinions and questions are the most used.