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How to improve the loading of my website – Find out how to do it

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:10 am
by bitheerani22010
How to speed up web loading speed

Improve web loading speed / WPO measures
This post offers you solutions to know how to optimize the loading speed of a web page. Follow these tips to make your blog or online store load in less than two seconds and thus improve the bounce rate of the user who arrives at your website.

How to speed up loading of a web page with some tweaks.

Since Google 's latest algorithm update, it is important to know that one of the main premises for positioning your website is the loading speed . To do this, it is vital to know how to improve the loading speed of a page, blog or website.

Although the latter is not the only thing necessary, since since Google launched its Caffeine algorithm in 2010 until today, a multitude of updates have been applied to all of the online search giant's algorithms.

They have all been oriented towards the quality of the content , and albania phone number library all the use of long tails or small, more specific phrases in a search, use of titles , links or keywords.

In short, it focuses on offering the best user experience . Google always takes care to position the best content and give the user what they are looking for. In this regard, improving loading speed plays a fundamental role in a first impression. On the other hand, here you can see several possible reasons for being penalized by Google on your website.

Google Algorithm
From Penguin (2011), through Panda (2012), Hummingbird (2013), Pigeon (2014) or Fred (2017) (allusion to Fred Flintstone), this system is periodically updated with the aim of adapting to the rapid changes experienced by the cyber world.


Google's algorithm is unpredictable and can be updated up to 500 times a year.

To learn more about Google's algorithm updates, we can visit the Twitter of Matt Cutts , the well-known Google guru, who posts about all the changes the formula undergoes.