Database, the database intelligently compiles and redirects the task, along with the necessary vector data, . To a new compute offload server process. This server process leverages the computational power of . Gpus and employs the cagra algorithm, part of the rapids cuvs library, to rapidly generate . A graph index. Once the cagra index is created, it is automatically and efficiently transferred . Back to the oracle database instance where it is converted into an hnsw graph index. . The final hnsw index is then readily available for subsequent vector search operations within the .
This innovative approach combines the versatile converged data bahamas phone number data management capabilities of oracle . Database with the raw computational power of gpus. By seamlessly integrating gpu acceleration into the . Database and offloading the computationally intensive task of index creation to specialized hardware, we can . Achieve remarkable improvement in processing speed and efficiency, while maintaining the ease of use and . Reliability that oracle database users expect.Conclusionthese two gpu-accelerated demonstrations showcase the potential for using gpus . To process compute-intensive portions of the ai vector search pipeline. Stay tuned for more exciting .
Developments from this collaboration between oracle and nvidia.Mike matthewssenior director, product managementautonomous database users love . Data studio, a fully integrated suite of self-service tools that assist them in loading, integrating, . Transforming and analyzing data from virtually any source.Data studio provides self-service tools with an intuitive . User interface that can accelerate data-related tasks for experts and non-experts. But what if you . Can complete those tasks even faster and more easily with the power of ai? You . Can!The upcoming release of data studio includes a wide range of new features to help .
Oracle database instance
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- Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2024 6:36 am