Today's consumers are very different from previous generations. Most modern online users are looking for quick and effective answers to their questions and want to make their purchases smarter.
That’s why video marketing has been such an effective strategy over the years. In fact, by 2025, videos are expected to account for 82% of all consumer web traffic . This statistic only goes to show why it’s important for brands to make effective use of video in all of their branding initiatives.
The best thing is that there are now new emerging video technologies malaysia telegram data that are making it easier for brands to not only attract more leads for their business but also help them successfully close them.
Why Video Marketing Has Become So Effective
There has been a fundamental shift in how we consume information online today. Because of this, brands that are working to adopt more visual elements into their marketing initiatives are quickly seeing success. Below are some of the reasons why video marketing has become so effective.
The Science Behind Video Consumption
When we watch videos, our brains are actively working to decode images and facial expressions. This is very different from simply staring at a long page of text, and actually engages our brain's learning centers more effectively.
Because our brains are more engaged with the information we are taking in, it often leads to better memory retention. Video consumption also releases dopamine in our brains, making the information we are taking in a more pleasurable experience overall.
Greater Sharing Capacity
If you think about the last thing you shared online with friends or family, it almost certainly contained some sort of video. We all know that we are busy and have little free time outside of our busy lives. Videos are a smaller investment of our time since important information can be shared in short video clips.
For brands, this means that one of your branded videos is much more likely to be shared with others rather than specific landing pages, emails, or blog posts. It’s important to take advantage of this and make the content you distribute to potential and current customers much more shareable.
Best Educational Tools
When promoting products or services to an audience of users, it's important to clearly convey the value they bring. This can be difficult in certain niches depending on the complexity of the product category or when explaining certain types of industry jargon.
Instead of trying to take up hours of someone’s time reading blocks of text or graphics explaining how something works or the value it provides, video can accomplish the same thing in less than half the time. Videos are great educational tools, especially when used to support brand initiatives.
New Video Technologies You Can Take Advantage Of
As new technologies and video formats are launched and utilized, brands now have a variety of options to choose from when it comes to how they leverage video in their marketing. Below are four emerging video technologies that brands can start utilizing:
Interactive Videos
While standard videos can be great on their own, new technologies now make it possible to make them much more interactive. If you've ever explored Netflix's interactive video catalog, you've probably already seen this technology in action, mostly for children's shows or other educational series.
In interactive videos, the person watching the video can use clickable elements of the video, such as additional quizzes or branching narratives, which will change the output of the video depending on what is selected. This adds a new level of engagement for users and keeps them engaged throughout the video.