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Learn about the first study of the level of e-commerce maturity in Peru

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 10:38 am
by ayshakhatun663
Learn about the findings of the first e-commerce maturity level study conducted in Peru by Impulse and the Peruvian Chamber of Electronic Commerce.

Table of contents
Diagnosis is always the first bc data brazil package step to improve or, in the case of e-commerce, start to grow. That is why at Growth Ecommerce Day , an event organized by Impulse, we presented, together with Helmut Cáceda, President of CAPECE - Peruvian Chamber of Electronic Commerce of Peru , the first Peruvian study on the Level of maturity of e-commerce.

What is the study about?

The joint work of Impulse and the Peruvian Chamber of Electronic Commerce of Peru (CAPECE) resulted in the first study carried out in Peru on the level of maturity of e-commerce, in which more than 100 companies participated.

Knowing this is especially relevant because it allows us to understand the situation of e-commerce in Peru, its level of maturity and the levers that must be activated in the key areas of online commerce.

The study is based on the evaluation of 9 areas that allow for a granular and detailed view of each of the fields in which the most successful e-commerce companies work to scale their businesses and be much more successful.


ecommerce maturity level

The 9 areas of maturity of an e-commerce

1. Growth Team
The evaluation assesses how the team that works and executes growth strategies is configured and how it relates to other areas of the business.

2. Culture
The leaders' vision, growth mindset and how it influences other teams are analyzed.

3. Product management
The depth of market analysis, pricing method, and customer experience design around the product are discussed.

4. Marketing
The use of channels, the strategy, and the dimension of the community and its relationship with it are analyzed.

5. Growth Hacking
The techniques and methodologies of experimentation are analyzed, as well as how customer nutrition is carried out and how referrals are generated.

6. Data & Technology
The use of business information is analyzed, with what tools it is obtained, whether it is automated and visible to stakeholders and how the customer's vision is included.

7. Operations
Product management processes, delivery and clarity of information for customers are analyzed.

8. Customer focus
The type of customer shopping experience and how their queries are handled are analyzed.

9. Sales channels
The deployment of sales through various channels is analyzed and how they are used to get closer to customers.

Within each area there are 3 levels that allow for a more detailed analysis of the state of the business:

infographic ecommerce maturity level

Based on this assessment, 8 levels of maturity are obtained, ranging from the most Novice level, that is, an e-commerce that is just beginning to take its first steps , to the Master level, which would be an e-commerce with a very high level of maturity, which applies very good practices and is always innovating and improving its growth strategy.

Chart with the 8 levels of ecommerce maturity

The results of the study

The study's findings help establish a baseline that will help digital businesses identify their performance, compare themselves with other industries, and draw up an action plan for improvement.

Taking the participating companies as a universe, the global maturity index was obtained at 45%. In addition, the index by industry reveals that the Insurance sector is the one with the highest maturity index compared to the Wines and Spirits sector, which has the lowest .

Results of the study of the level of ecommerce maturity by sector

Helmut Cáceda believes that these results are due to the level of digitalization of the sectors. “Insurance is a very sophisticated industry, they have great teams and a Growth mentality. On the other hand, Wines and Spirits is an industry that is just entering the online ecosystem. Likewise, Health and Fitness, although they were industries that sold a lot last year, their digital deployment is in its early stages .”

Findings based on the age of the business

56% of the study participants are just starting out or have been in business for 1 year, while 44% have been in business for 2 years or more. The results obtained indicate that these businesses are still between levels 3, 4 and 5 of maturity , with level 4 Apprentice leading the way with 43.75%, followed by level 5 Player with 31.25% and level 3 Aspirant with 25%.

While this reveals that there are many companies that are just getting started and are learning as they go, it also shows that the barrier to entry into e-commerce has been lowering over the years. What used to require an entire infrastructure, an in-house logistics operator, an IT team and more, can now be easily done by taking advantage of different services.

Findings by area of ​​analysis

Regarding the most mature axes, Operations is one of those that leads the ranking in the entire market.