This is an article that was previously published in Clip Mexico

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This is an article that was previously published in Clip Mexico

Post by [email protected] »

According to figures from the Bank of Mexico , there are more than 27 million credit cards and nearly 147 million debit cards in the country, meaning there are more cards than inhabitants in the Republic.

These figures show that there are great opportunities to improve your business, for example, by using a mobile terminal or through the Clip Remote Payments solution . Among the advantages you can list of canada whatsapp phone numbers gain by accepting payments with bank cards – credit or debit – are:

1. You increase your sales
Customers spend more when they can choose the payment method of their choice, especially when using cards, where they do not feel limited, as is the case with cash, when they can only use what they have in their pocket.

According to a quantitative study of Clip users, conducted in December 2018, 9 out of 10 reported having increased their sales by more than 100% by implementing the mobile terminal.

2. You reduce the cost of your money
Any savings represent a profit for you and when you accept cards you reduce operating expenses, such as those related to check processing or the safekeeping and transfer of cash.

The most important thing is that it makes managing your money more comfortable and organized. By implementing a terminal, you allow automatic control of your income, you are informed of the movements that are made and you can carry out digital transactions in an almost automatic way.


3. You become more competitive
If businesses similar to yours accept cards and you don't, you're at a competitive disadvantage. You can also offer interest-free monthly payments and accept food vouchers to expand your payment options.

If customers find options where different payment methods are accepted , they will prefer this to always carrying cash. Imagine your favorite restaurant or coffee shop that only accepts cash, it is almost certain that there are days when you prefer to go somewhere else because you do not have coins in your pocket.

Has it ever happened to you that you decide not to go to a certain place because they don't charge by card and even if it's a big space, you decide to go to another one for that simple fact.
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