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What are your biggest weaknesses?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 5:32 am
by sakibkhan22102
What are your biggest weaknesses?
Talking about your daily routine can lead you to discuss pain points. This is very relevant, as you want to demonstrate how you can solve real problems that make a difference. Asking about russia telegram mobile phone number list pain points before presenting the solution shows a willingness to listen and do your best to help—you’re not just there to sell. Pain points usually fall into one of four categories, so it’s a good idea to have an answer ready for each category.

sore points open-ended questions
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You mentioned frustration with X. Can you elaborate?
A successful line of questioning builds on the conversation so far. Refer back to things the prospect mentioned earlier. This not only shows that you are listening carefully, but it also shows that both parties are moving the conversation in a productive direction.

How have you tried to solve this problem in the past or with your current solution?
Try to identify what the prospect has already done to address the pain points you mentioned. Asking “What happened?” allows them to talk about their previous approach, what went wrong, and what they are looking for now.


How was your past purchasing experience with [product/service]?
Asking about previous attempts to resolve the issue may naturally lead you to asking about the buyer's history. You want to understand the past purchasing habits of potential customers, as well as their relationship with their current supplier.

If you can find out what the problems are/were with alternative suppliers, you can be sure to highlight how you will be different.