Urgency and Encourage Customers to Make Purchases Within a Limited south korea phone number library Timeframe You Can Create a . Content Calendar Ahead of Time and Plan Your Campaigns Accordingly Look at the Trends to . Make Your Seasonal Campaigns More Relevant to Your Target Audience Design Promotions That Offer Unique . Value, Such as Discounts, Limited-edition Products, or Bundled Deals for Example, Black Friday and Cyber . Monday Sales Often Feature Significant Discounts That Attract a Large Number of Shopperssource: Marks and .

Spencerfor Instance, a Recent Study From Accenture Shows That 61% of Consumers Will Focus on . Shopping Items That They Can Use Even Post-holidays So, Utilize This Trend in Your Marketing . Messages and Highlight How Your Product Adds Value to Your Customers Even After the Holidays . Here’s How You Can Personalize Your Seasonal Messages: Use Targeted Email and Sms Campaigns to . Highlight These Benefits and the Urgency of the Offers to Drive Engagement You Can Use .