Desktop screenshot of mailfence private and secure email

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Desktop screenshot of mailfence private and secure email

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Why Mailfence is an exceptional secure and private webmail service
Picture of Patrick De Schutter
Patrick De Schutter
September 20, 2016
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What is Mailfence ? Mailfence is not only a secure and private webmail service that places great importance on email privacy. It is also an extremely feature-rich platform. In this article, we will compare Mailfence to some costa rica whatsapp number data 5 million other popular email services that place great importance on privacy. We will also highlight some of the features that make Mailfence exceptional.


Unlike any other private and secure webmail service, Mailfence does not force its users to live on a “digital island” of their own. We offer users complete freedom to communicate securely with anyone. Both with other Mailfence users and with any other webmail service (compatible with OpenPGP) . But using Mailfence offers many other advantages, as you can see in the table below.

We believe that a webmail platform should be much more than just email. Users are expecting a comprehensive webmail package, including calendar , document management , contacts , groups , chat and surveys.
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