From the Work Plan What-if Plan a
Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 8:58 am
According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach is $4.35 million, with the US leading the way at $9.44 million. They usually occur due to: Insider threats — Employees may intentionally share company secrets and assets with competitors. hacking — Cybercriminals can infiltrate an organization's private systems and illegally obtain information.
Malware — Hackers rely on malware that can monitor and record argentina telephone number data keystrokes, or even alter or destroy data. Employee errors — Employees may inadvertently disclose information to outsiders or competitors. physical theft — Sensitive data can also be stolen from laptops, computers, smartphones, and USB drives. Phishing attacks Phishing is one of the most common forms of social engineering.

Cybercriminals use this crafty tactic to trick victims into sharing sensitive information by impersonating legitimate services. They can also appear to be trustworthy individuals. Attackers often target specific individuals using spear phishing when targeting companies. Sometimes even high-ranking officials fall for these schemes. To reduce the risks of phishing attacks, best practices for tokenization add an extra layer of protection to sensitive information, reducing the likelihood of unauthorized access.
Malware — Hackers rely on malware that can monitor and record argentina telephone number data keystrokes, or even alter or destroy data. Employee errors — Employees may inadvertently disclose information to outsiders or competitors. physical theft — Sensitive data can also be stolen from laptops, computers, smartphones, and USB drives. Phishing attacks Phishing is one of the most common forms of social engineering.

Cybercriminals use this crafty tactic to trick victims into sharing sensitive information by impersonating legitimate services. They can also appear to be trustworthy individuals. Attackers often target specific individuals using spear phishing when targeting companies. Sometimes even high-ranking officials fall for these schemes. To reduce the risks of phishing attacks, best practices for tokenization add an extra layer of protection to sensitive information, reducing the likelihood of unauthorized access.