Facebook uses case studies to attract customers. It makes case studies of companies that have launched advertising campaigns on its platforms and have managed to grow thanks to it.
It could be a campaign that helped them make more sales, increase their awareness, get more traffic to their site, app or point of sale. The goal is to show a business how another business has succeeded using Facebook's advertising network.
Strictly speaking, however, these are not case studies: they are success stories. The online Larousse dictionary tells us that a success story is a "story or analysis, both chronological and synthetic, of the success of a person, of the reasons for the success of a book, a product, an operation."
But how does Facebook do its case studies? How does it make them austria phone number data persuasive enough to attract customers? This is what we are going to see by analyzing a concrete case: the success story of Actimel .
Convincing companies to use your advertising network: analysis of the Actimel case study
Actimel is a brand offering a fermented milk drink produced by the French agri-food industry group Danone. The brand wanted to develop its notoriety and chose Facebook advertising to achieve this. This is the story we are told in the case study.
In the case study video
, four people are involved: 1 – Laura Houssiaux, Senior Brand Marketing Manager - Danone.