Videos and images on brand SERPs

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Videos and images on brand SERPs

Post by jsarmin »

Videos and images on SERPs of people

This data reinforces what Frédéric Dubut said during the interview that started this series, and which Meenaz Merchant confirms. Some queries have a very strong implicit intent for images and videos: celebrities, particularly in the entertainment sphere. Frédéric Dubut mentioned Beyoncé, for example, or NTM in France.

The click-through rate affects the position where these rich elements appear.
Meenaz Merchant is very clear on this point: over time, a higher algeria phone number data click-through rate on one of the elements will move it up in the SERP. Looking at the Beyoncé example again, the fact that videos are positioned above images makes even more sense.

In the fifth installment of this series, Nathan Chalmers of the Whole Page Team also argues that user behavior on SERPs affects the position of rich elements. He also points out that they aggregate data and use machine learning rather than applying click data based on query or even intent.

This is an analysis I absolutely have to do on brand SERP data. Not just which rich elements are present for brands and people, but also which ones are rising in rankings, i.e. more popular among those searching.

What factors help images rank?
Relevance is the main factor, according to Meenaz Merchant who says that “relevance — being the right image for the query — trumps everything else.”
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