I won't give you a speech about the importance of creating content. I think you've heard it enough and are aware of it. Good communication is based on creating content . But be careful, not just any content!
You can make articles, posts on social networks that talk about your products or services. But if you only do that, you will not get any results. Why? Because it does not add value to your target. You have to give before you receive . This is where authentic and transparent content comes into its own. By creating inspiring and honest content, you will cambodia whatsapp mobile phone number list trigger conversations . The people who read you will find an interest, will feel emotions. You will create a connection, quite simply. And by creating engagement through your content, you will develop your business . No need to push for a purchase, your ideal customers will come by themselves. That is the beauty of authentic and transparent communication.
To help you feel more comfortable in your content creation, I invite you to participate in my free challenge: 5 days to be (finally authentic in your content)
I have been reading Béné's content for several months. If there is one person who has nourished my ecological reflections, it is her! Her frankness, transparency and authenticity have opened my eyes to many subjects. I wanted to come back with her on her positions that some may find "extreme".
banner-seaseedOn social media, you don't hold back on the topics you discuss. You recently published your article on the impact of air travel, even though you know that the subject is controversial and can bring you some not very nice comments. Why did you choose to share everything, without self-censoring like some people can do on Instagram?
As I explain in my article , I hesitated for a long time before publishing it. But I told myself that if the subject was so taboo and generated so much tension, it was because it was so rarely discussed. And I think I did well because I received many encouraging comments and almost no negative comments!.

I do not censor myself because I consider that social and environmental struggles matter much more than the opinion that Internet users (and people in general) may have of me . We are living in a particularly important period for the future of the climate, biodiversity (and humanity) and we must be ready to question all the paradigms that have brought us here: capitalism, over-consumption, exploitation of resources, relations of domination, and imaginaries of abundance...
For me, ecology means addressing the environmental impact of our lives in its entirety without taboos and transmitting information and solutions that will help us move forward and change to build a fairer world.
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