How to set SMART goals?
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:58 am
How many times have you set goals after planning but they were not achieved?
In order not to throw your planning away, it is necessary to build your ghana whatsapp number data 5 million goals in a SMART way. To do this, you can use the SMART goal creation method .
smart goals
What are SMART goals?
SMART goals are goals constructed considering 5 attributes: S (Specific), M ( M easurable), A ( Achievable ), R ( R elavant) and T ( T ime).
Let's explain each of these attributes below:
S (specific)
The first element to building a good goal is to consider it specific.
Avoid misinterpretation, both on your part and that of your team, and be as specific as possible about your objective. Let's look at the following example:
Wrong goal: selling more
This goal is not specific because it can mean many different things depending on who interprets it. To avoid this mistake, when building your goal, try to answer the following questions:
What do I want with this goal?
Who is responsible for this?
Where should it be celebrated?
What will the scope be?
Why does it exist?
Then we can make our goal much more specific than it was before.
Specific goal: My marketing team will increase online sales on our site because we want to improve our digital presence.
What do I want with this goal? Increase online sales
Who is responsible for this? My marketing team
Where should it be celebrated? Online
How will it be reached? on our site
Why does it exist? We want to increase our digital presence
M (measurable)
Peter Drucker, one of the gurus of Modern Management, once said that what cannot be measured cannot be managed. Therefore, after specifying our objective, we should be able to measure it.
To achieve your SMART goals you must answer the following questions:
How much is the expected result of my goal?
How long will it take me to complete it?
Continuing to build our goal from the previous example, we will have a result similar to this:
Measurable Goal : My marketing team will increase sales by 200% on our site in Q1 2016 as we look to grow our online presence.
How much is the expected result of my goal? 200% increase
How long will it take to complete? 3 months (Q1 2020)
A (achievable)
There is no point in setting a goal that is impossible to achieve.
The effects of this objective will be devastating for you and your team, who will become discouraged from working too hard to achieve the goal.
Therefore, when building your SMART goals, it is extremely important to make the goal measurable, but also achievable.
Our example goal: My marketing team will increase sales by 200% on our site in Q1 2016 because we want to grow our online presence – this is extremely difficult to beat when you consider that we need to grow almost 67% per month in just 3 months to reach this goal.
To build an achievable goal you must:
Analyze your history and say if the goal is achievable
Talk to your team/person responsible and check if the goal is feasible
Let's say in our example, looking at history, it would be impossible to hit that 200% number even further in the first quarter. So we reworked the goal to look like this:
Achievable goal : My marketing team will increase sales by 20% on our site in the first half of 2020 because we want to increase our online presence.
R (relevant)
A goal, to be relevant, must directly impact your business so that you can easily prove that you have brought some kind of result.
Some examples are:
Increase in turnover
Increase in the number of customers
Cost reduction
So, look at the important numbers in your business and try to tie a goal to some of those numbers.
Be careful of goals that are not relevant and will not take you anywhere.
Every goal to be achieved must be justified with some important number for the company's operation. Therefore, don't forget: SMART goals must be relevant and impact your business.
In our example, we can easily link our goal to the company's objectives such as: better turnover and an increase in the number of clients.
In order not to throw your planning away, it is necessary to build your ghana whatsapp number data 5 million goals in a SMART way. To do this, you can use the SMART goal creation method .
smart goals
What are SMART goals?
SMART goals are goals constructed considering 5 attributes: S (Specific), M ( M easurable), A ( Achievable ), R ( R elavant) and T ( T ime).
Let's explain each of these attributes below:
S (specific)
The first element to building a good goal is to consider it specific.
Avoid misinterpretation, both on your part and that of your team, and be as specific as possible about your objective. Let's look at the following example:
Wrong goal: selling more
This goal is not specific because it can mean many different things depending on who interprets it. To avoid this mistake, when building your goal, try to answer the following questions:
What do I want with this goal?
Who is responsible for this?
Where should it be celebrated?
What will the scope be?
Why does it exist?
Then we can make our goal much more specific than it was before.
Specific goal: My marketing team will increase online sales on our site because we want to improve our digital presence.
What do I want with this goal? Increase online sales
Who is responsible for this? My marketing team
Where should it be celebrated? Online
How will it be reached? on our site
Why does it exist? We want to increase our digital presence
M (measurable)
Peter Drucker, one of the gurus of Modern Management, once said that what cannot be measured cannot be managed. Therefore, after specifying our objective, we should be able to measure it.
To achieve your SMART goals you must answer the following questions:
How much is the expected result of my goal?
How long will it take me to complete it?
Continuing to build our goal from the previous example, we will have a result similar to this:
Measurable Goal : My marketing team will increase sales by 200% on our site in Q1 2016 as we look to grow our online presence.
How much is the expected result of my goal? 200% increase
How long will it take to complete? 3 months (Q1 2020)
A (achievable)
There is no point in setting a goal that is impossible to achieve.
The effects of this objective will be devastating for you and your team, who will become discouraged from working too hard to achieve the goal.
Therefore, when building your SMART goals, it is extremely important to make the goal measurable, but also achievable.
Our example goal: My marketing team will increase sales by 200% on our site in Q1 2016 because we want to grow our online presence – this is extremely difficult to beat when you consider that we need to grow almost 67% per month in just 3 months to reach this goal.
To build an achievable goal you must:
Analyze your history and say if the goal is achievable
Talk to your team/person responsible and check if the goal is feasible
Let's say in our example, looking at history, it would be impossible to hit that 200% number even further in the first quarter. So we reworked the goal to look like this:
Achievable goal : My marketing team will increase sales by 20% on our site in the first half of 2020 because we want to increase our online presence.
R (relevant)
A goal, to be relevant, must directly impact your business so that you can easily prove that you have brought some kind of result.
Some examples are:
Increase in turnover
Increase in the number of customers
Cost reduction
So, look at the important numbers in your business and try to tie a goal to some of those numbers.
Be careful of goals that are not relevant and will not take you anywhere.
Every goal to be achieved must be justified with some important number for the company's operation. Therefore, don't forget: SMART goals must be relevant and impact your business.
In our example, we can easily link our goal to the company's objectives such as: better turnover and an increase in the number of clients.