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Mobile marketing: the role of the smartphone in a digital strategy

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 8:01 am
by najmulislam100
Imagine yourself, in 2016, without a cell phone or tablet, only being able to rely on the traditional desktop or notebook… it would be, at the very least, strange, wouldn’t it?

Mobile devices have become part of many people's daily lives. The truth is that their main function – making calls – has practically fallen into disuse due to technological advances that have brought many other functions.

Applications are currently directly responsible for the boom in smartphones and tablets . People watch TV while posting on Facebook , tweeting or taking a selfie on Instagram , as well as, of course, taking a snap (Snapchat) . Mass media itself has surrendered and ensures its presence on social networks.

In this way, mobile gambling data india marketing has established itself as an efficient and reasonably cost-effective strategy. Therefore, there is no shortage of reasons to justify the investment of brands and companies in this segment.

Establishing a relationship means creating a channel for conversation, for chat, in which your audience sees your brand/company as a friend, someone whose initial purpose is to provide support and assistance with their challenges and desires.

Mobile marketing presents itself exactly in this sense: a channel “in the palm of your client/consumer’s hand”, just a touch away.


Increase in the generation of opportunities
The chances of someone leaving their smartphone and turning on their computer to make a purchase of a product or service are practically zero. Therefore, companies that make this possibility available, quickly and easily, directly on mobile devices, are many steps ahead.

Your customers and consumers want to buy, but they don’t want to leave the comfort of their couch while watching a series. Remember that!

Convenience and comfort
In the end, it all comes down to exactly this: comfort and convenience. In the digital age, it is the customer who sets the rules, who “orders” how, when and where they want.

If you're still not convinced about what mobile marketing can do for your company, check out this post 4 things you need to know about Mobile Marketing for 2016.