Types of promotions on Facebook and VKontakte: 10 Tips to Increase Your Audience Reach
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:39 am
Promotions are a great marketing tool that can help solve several important business tasks without leaving the virtual space.
For example:
Increase the number of subscribers to a community or business page - expand your potential customer base.
Warm up the audience, win their loyalty and encourage them to make purchases.
Show a company's new product to a large number of people.
Social media campaigns are work with a very large audience, the attraction of which is not too expensive.
The audience is truly huge.
In January 2020, more than 4.5 billion people used the Internet , and the number of social media users exceeded 3.8 billion.
That's about every second person on Earth - impressive, right?
Количество пользователей интернета
The main social networks whose promotions we are talking about today are Facebook and VKontakte .
Where are all the clients? There – where there is traffic. Do you want SEOquick to attract it to you?
Contextual advertising is a quick way to get clients to your site here and now.
Let us set up a Google AdWords campaign for you that is relevant to your business.
And you will pay only for those impressions and clicks that bring the target audience to the site.
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What is Reach and Why Increase It
What is the difference between subscriber reach and total reach?
How reach relates to traffic.
Why it definitely makes sense to bother with increasing this indicator.
Reach is the number of social network users who will see the promotion or any other publication of yours in the feed.
There are two more concepts: subscriber reach and full reach.
Subscriber reach is the estonia phone number library number of people who already know about your company, are subscribed to you, and will see the publication within 24 hours.
The full reach will be achieved if you add to the subscribers all the new people who will also see the post (if it is shared, of course) within 24 hours.
The higher the total reach rate, the more likely it is to get good traffic to your community or business page.
Traffic, along with customer loyalty, brand awareness and final sales, is the main goal of running promotions.
This is why it is definitely worth working hard to increase your reach.
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7 Main Types of Promotions for Facebook and VKontakte
How is a competition different from a discount promotion?
What is a "subscriber exclusive"?
How to use promotional cross-marketing to your advantage.
Everything is in this chapter.
The main types of promotions for social networks include exclusives for subscribers, lotteries, promotions with coupons and discounts, contests, bonus promotions, promotions for both social networks simultaneously and promotional cross-marketing.
They all work, there are no clear leaders or outsiders among them - the choice of the type of promotion depends on the situation, on the field of activity and on the specific task that the company sets for itself.
For example:
Increase the number of subscribers to a community or business page - expand your potential customer base.
Warm up the audience, win their loyalty and encourage them to make purchases.
Show a company's new product to a large number of people.
Social media campaigns are work with a very large audience, the attraction of which is not too expensive.
The audience is truly huge.
In January 2020, more than 4.5 billion people used the Internet , and the number of social media users exceeded 3.8 billion.
That's about every second person on Earth - impressive, right?
Количество пользователей интернета
The main social networks whose promotions we are talking about today are Facebook and VKontakte .
Where are all the clients? There – where there is traffic. Do you want SEOquick to attract it to you?
Contextual advertising is a quick way to get clients to your site here and now.
Let us set up a Google AdWords campaign for you that is relevant to your business.
And you will pay only for those impressions and clicks that bring the target audience to the site.
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What is Reach and Why Increase It
What is the difference between subscriber reach and total reach?
How reach relates to traffic.
Why it definitely makes sense to bother with increasing this indicator.
Reach is the number of social network users who will see the promotion or any other publication of yours in the feed.
There are two more concepts: subscriber reach and full reach.
Subscriber reach is the estonia phone number library number of people who already know about your company, are subscribed to you, and will see the publication within 24 hours.
The full reach will be achieved if you add to the subscribers all the new people who will also see the post (if it is shared, of course) within 24 hours.
The higher the total reach rate, the more likely it is to get good traffic to your community or business page.
Traffic, along with customer loyalty, brand awareness and final sales, is the main goal of running promotions.
This is why it is definitely worth working hard to increase your reach.
Do you need sales?
Fill out the form below and I will help you set up a contextual advertising sales channel for your site!
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7 Main Types of Promotions for Facebook and VKontakte
How is a competition different from a discount promotion?
What is a "subscriber exclusive"?
How to use promotional cross-marketing to your advantage.
Everything is in this chapter.
The main types of promotions for social networks include exclusives for subscribers, lotteries, promotions with coupons and discounts, contests, bonus promotions, promotions for both social networks simultaneously and promotional cross-marketing.
They all work, there are no clear leaders or outsiders among them - the choice of the type of promotion depends on the situation, on the field of activity and on the specific task that the company sets for itself.