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SEO for B2B website:

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:36 am
by sheikh1234
Search engines work great - they bring millions of organic traffic to websites every month , which mainly comes from search giants Google and Yandex.

Статистика органического трафика
But the ways of interacting with traffic in the B2C (business to people) and B2B (business to business) segments are somewhat different.

There are important nuances in developing the site structure, and in collecting the semantic core , and in SEO optimization , and in preparing content .

SEO for a B2B website is a tool that is hard to argue with even for systems that bring in paid traffic.

Its potential is truly inexhaustible.

Read about all this, as well as how to work with this potential, here and now!

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What kind of cyprus phone number library website does a “business for business” need?
A small business card website, a landing page or a multi-page website with a complex structure?

Let's figure out what is more effective in the B2B sphere.

A business card website is a representation of your company on the Internet.

Here you can find out what the company does, see contacts and working hours, see a list of services and a brief history of the company.

It would seem that this is enough, and the information does not even need to be updated.

However, for SEO promotion, a business card site will not work very actively.

But if you look the truth in the eye, it’s just bad.

Too few pages, too few queries can be covered.

And a site with static information will rank poorly.

It certainly won't hurt your business, but it's unlikely to help you scale up.


Сайт визитка
A landing page is a one-page website that typically requires a direct response, such as submitting a request for a consultation.

The landing page is created for paid traffic, it works great in conjunction with contextual or targeted advertising , but it is not very suitable for search engine promotion .

No one will stop you from adding keywords to the landing page text, but there will be only one or two of them (one group of keys)...

The second option is overspam, which will scare away even those who come from advertising.

There are very few cases when landing pages reach the top of organic search results.

They can be considered exceptions; this happens more often in exotic narrow niches.