Before explaining how to improve your engagement on Twitter , it is important to talk about what engagement is on this platform.
Engagement on Twitter, as on other platforms, consists of the interactions that people have with your publication and profile. Currently, this can happen through likes, retweets (shares), replies, clicks on links, clicks on hashtags or viewing media.
Using them, you can perform two analyses: one for each post and one overall. The first option is more detailed and allows you to analyze whether the type of publication is producing results, whether people who do not follow you are accessing the content, how many people only view the tweet and do not interact, among others. The second method allows you to understand all the content published by the brand and analyze which generates the most results and which time is most effective for achieving better engagement, for example.
How to get engagement on Twitter
The most important thing to achieve engagement on Twitter is to h japan mobile phone number data ave an active account that posts content daily. This means that you will always appear in people's feeds, which will help them remember your brand. Unlike other social networks, this platform delivers everything you post to your followers, which means that the more posts you make, the more your company will be seen.
Interacting with those who follow you also makes a difference when it comes to increasing your engagement. When brands respond, like or retweet a person's post/response, they end up creating a close relationship that is beneficial and also ends up becoming a differentiator. In addition, this action encourages other users to interact with you, which reflects on your engagement.
Twitter is a platform that has its own language, which is very different from that used on other social networks. Since it only allows 280 characters per tweet, it is common for people to use abbreviations and emojis to help express everything they want in a small space. This makes the vocabulary very informal and many gifs and memes are used. Therefore, write in a relaxed manner and, whenever possible, use funny images or videos to add to your content.
Twitter Engagement Tools
Twitter has a special space for current topics, called Trending Topics, which are the topics most talked about by users at that time. Posting related to this is a great way to improve your engagement, as your tweets will be seen by more people due to the organic engagement that this platform feature provides.
However, it’s no use just following the trending topics. You need to create content that is relevant and in line with your company’s values and goals. So, insert yourself into the Trending Topics conversations, but do so with posts that convey pertinent information about your brand.
According to the TrackMaven report, tweets that have a hashtag have more engagement. Knowing this, use hashtags that are related to your content and that create a conversation with the target audience. For example, make a post giving a tip for getting noticed on the internet and, at the end, add #IWantToBeNotable.
In addition to the hashtag being in line with your content, people will start using it with ideas and tips to achieve success on social media and make it profitable. With a small action, you can reach more people and talk to your followers.
Twitter ads are also a great way to increase engagement. They can help you reach more people and get them to visit your profile and even search for your brand on other platforms because they liked the content you presented. In addition, this type of action can be done on a low budget, fitting into the economic reality of each business.
Another reason to use this tool is because users of this platform spend 26% more time viewing ads than on other networks, making your advertising more accepted and more likely to achieve a good result.
How to see my Twitter engagement
Getting good engagement is very important, but it's no use if you don't keep an eye on the metrics and the results it's bringing. To analyze content reach, the platform has Twitter Analytics, which produces several statistics such as the reach of each tweet, the engagement rate, the daily average of likes and retweets, how many people click on the links posted, among others. You can view this data for the month or week.
Twitter Analytics also allows you to view your profile's total engagement, which consists of more general information about reach, such as how many tweets were published, how many people viewed your content, how many views you had on your profile, how many mentions you received, and how many followers you gained or lost. With this, the platform allows for a deep or superficial analysis of your content's activity.