Vintage photos
With the Instagram filters, all snapshots became art. Your mother-in-law on the terrace changed into Jackie O with 'toaster' and you yourself turned out to be a genuine hipster when you spiced up your selfie with 'nashville'. But be honest, aren't you also a bit fed up with it?
That some numbers in English are also words once seemed really cool. The company name with a wink. And what’s more, it also looked so good in a URL:,, In 2014, such Anglicistic jollity only fits in beauty salons, go-kart tracks and swingers clubs. Respectable organizations stay far away from English puns.
Very decorative and yet not annoying: the swirl. Windows Vista introduced them. And they were so handy! Software suppliers, consultancy firms and financial institutions suddenly had ample opportunities to give their abstract trade a somewhat nice shape. But as is the case with trends: they go over the top and out. So also with the swirl. No longer possible. No matter how meritorious it was.
8. The share this button
I have never felt the need to bring a book bought at Bol, a news item from an energy company or a conference to the attention of my buy cambodia whatsapp number database Twitter followers or Facebook friends. Yet I have the greatest difficulty in talking the share-this button out of the websites of clients. The only place where share-this buttons are justified are beautiful blog sites like Frankwatching. And I heartily recommend sharing articles.
“A call-to-action on every page”, the client wants. Under or next to every page, such a client wants blocks with: call now! request a quote! order now! download this! do that!
As a website user, I always get nervous from shouting. Moreover, I don't think it's classy. Now I understand that website owners want those blocks, because they increase conversion. But if you do it: no shouting text, no six blocks, no exclamation marks and no animation at all! Understood?