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Use social discussion as a springboard

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:55 am
by joxet11299
What is your audience talking about? Do they have different opinions about a hot topic? Read through discussions on your social posts and use them as a springboard to create unique emails that offer thought-provoking insights.

For example, let’s say our hair salon posts an image and it sparks a debate about the impact culture has on hairstyle choices. The salon could use that discussion to craft a post that explores the debate, presents different points of view and naturally segues to choosing the right hairstyle for each subscriber.

8. Feature user-generated images
When users share images with you or tag you in photos, repurpose those images as email content. User-generated content lends a level of authority to your business and fosters trust. It also suggests authenticity and solidarity with your audience.

For example, our salon could create an email that features photos of users showing off their new hairstyles or beauty makeovers — inspiring content that’s likely to generate new leads from email subscribers.

9. List user-generated quotes
User-generated content is a great way to engage your email audience. Subscribers will identify with your social audience, so they’ll be interested in hearing what other people like them have to say.

You could list quotes from post discussions, social debates or feel-good investor database quotes your followers have shared. Find a way to portray user-generated content as inspiration for subscribers, which can motivate lead generation and sales.

10. List social testimonials
Social testimonials — or social proof — can go a long way toward fostering trust from your email subscribers. Testimonials make it easy to list the perks and benefits of your business, products and services without coming across as overly promotional.

For example, you might identify your favorite testimonials then create an email titled “Why customers love our company.” Then, list the testimonials in your email body, along with links to relevant on-site content.

Bonus Tip
Content repurposing works both ways. Not only can you repurpose social content for email, you can also repurpose your best email content for social media. For example, you might ask subscribers a question and post the results on your social media page. Or, you can use your best emails (those with the most opens, clicks and replies) as inspiration for short-form social posts.

Use these strategies to double your marketing reach without doubling your effort. Put your messaging in front of more customers and free time to grow your business by repurposing social media content in emails today and every day.