Breaking news, sometimes recruiters are the good guys!
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 10:25 am
I have been working in recruitment now for almost 9 years and although I enjoy my chosen profession more often than not (this is subject to change) there are certain aspects that still have the ability to reduce me to tears. I am talking about those scenarios that make no sense at all, the ones you explain to all of your colleagues only to be met with blank expressions and general confusion (things experienced often in recruitment), the ones that keep you awake at night, the ones that make you question the very concept of your existence, you get the picture.
The frustrations I talk of can come from two sources and both can be equally as painful. Firstly we have our applicants. Now in my experience if you have a good relationship with an applicant they will, in most cases, not mess you around. This is why building trust with your candidates is imperative especially in the hope of avoiding the spectrum of pitfalls that can happen. This of course is not always possible due to time constraints and other factors and this is when the fun normally starts.
Working with candidates
When a candidate is actively looking for a new position he/she will potentially be working with a handful of agents and will have potentially a handful of interviews arranged. This means that you are in what I like to call the ‘danger zone’ (I am constantly trying inject some excitement into my life so please bear with me). Once you have entered the ‘danger zone’ there is an exciting variety of different scenarios that can occur and unfortunately only one of them is positive.
Candidates, being human (well most of them), will change their minds as often el salvador whatsapp phone number as they change their underwear when it comes to job hunting. They will tell you that your job is their favourite and they won’t accept another position until they speak with you. You finish the call by all parties stating that they will have everything crossed. If you work in the wonderful world of recruitment you will recognise what happens next. You furiously chase your client and beg them to speed up their decision and when you finally get the answer you are looking for, that elusive offer you take to the phone and call up the lucky candidate. Now as I mentioned right at the start I have been in the game for a while and I should know better but when I get an offer all I can see is the commission and the various ways by wife and children will spend it.
So I get the candidate on the phone, normally after calling them every 3 minutes for the past 4 hours and deliver the good news (a perk of a pretty much otherwise thankless job), only to be told that the candidate has accepted another offer but really wants to thank you for doing a great job and when they start to look again they will definitely call you. A lot of candidates don’t realise, or care, how much work you have put in and the fact that them not taking your offer will hurt you, yes I said hurt, obviously I don’t mean physically hurt but each time you get an offer turned down it sucks, I mean really sucks. At this stage, to make matters worse you have to go back to your client and explain that the candidate hasn’t taken the offer you had chased them so hard to get, awkward at best.
The frustrations I talk of can come from two sources and both can be equally as painful. Firstly we have our applicants. Now in my experience if you have a good relationship with an applicant they will, in most cases, not mess you around. This is why building trust with your candidates is imperative especially in the hope of avoiding the spectrum of pitfalls that can happen. This of course is not always possible due to time constraints and other factors and this is when the fun normally starts.
Working with candidates
When a candidate is actively looking for a new position he/she will potentially be working with a handful of agents and will have potentially a handful of interviews arranged. This means that you are in what I like to call the ‘danger zone’ (I am constantly trying inject some excitement into my life so please bear with me). Once you have entered the ‘danger zone’ there is an exciting variety of different scenarios that can occur and unfortunately only one of them is positive.
Candidates, being human (well most of them), will change their minds as often el salvador whatsapp phone number as they change their underwear when it comes to job hunting. They will tell you that your job is their favourite and they won’t accept another position until they speak with you. You finish the call by all parties stating that they will have everything crossed. If you work in the wonderful world of recruitment you will recognise what happens next. You furiously chase your client and beg them to speed up their decision and when you finally get the answer you are looking for, that elusive offer you take to the phone and call up the lucky candidate. Now as I mentioned right at the start I have been in the game for a while and I should know better but when I get an offer all I can see is the commission and the various ways by wife and children will spend it.
So I get the candidate on the phone, normally after calling them every 3 minutes for the past 4 hours and deliver the good news (a perk of a pretty much otherwise thankless job), only to be told that the candidate has accepted another offer but really wants to thank you for doing a great job and when they start to look again they will definitely call you. A lot of candidates don’t realise, or care, how much work you have put in and the fact that them not taking your offer will hurt you, yes I said hurt, obviously I don’t mean physically hurt but each time you get an offer turned down it sucks, I mean really sucks. At this stage, to make matters worse you have to go back to your client and explain that the candidate hasn’t taken the offer you had chased them so hard to get, awkward at best.