Diversity in the workplace has become a hot topic for many organizations, especially when it comes to recruitment practices. LinkedIn is actively heating up its focus on diversity in recruitment. The company released its statistics on workplace diversity earlier in the month of June and it admitted that it has plenty of work left to do in bringing diverse employees onboard.
Here are some of the findings of this 2014 report on diversity in hiring and recruitment.
Gender and Ethnicity Statistics
In the LinkedIn report, the company separated its employees based on gender and denmark whatsapp phone number ethnicity to conduct the report. The company employs 39 percent females and 61 percent males across the globe. Currently, there are 5,400 employees working for LinkedIn in offices all over the world.
In the ethnicity category, LinkedIn only published its percentages for its employees in the United States. Fifty-three percent of U.S. employees are white, 38 percent are Asian, four percent are Hispanic and two percent are African-American. The other two categories were labeled as two or more races and other.
LinkedIn provided the following reasoning for only listing its U.S. employees in the ethnicity statistics from Pat Wadors, the Vice President of Global Talent:
“You’ll notice that our gender breakdown is representative of our global employee base, while ethnicity is U.S. only. That’s because legal complexities prohibit us from asking about the ethnicity of employees in many countries outside of the U.S., so accurately reporting that data is not currently possible.”
Initiatives and Programs
After investigating their diversity of employees, LinkedIn created new initiatives and programs to help make their workforce as diverse as possible. LinkedIn has partnered with Year Up, DevelopHer, Anita Borg Institute, Management Leadership for Tomorrow and Out & Equal Workplace Advocates.
LinkedIn's Focus on Recruitment Diversity Heats Up
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