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What is Persona Marketing? How to Create a Persona and a Successful Strategy

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:49 am
by ayshakhatun450
What is Persona Marketing? How to Create a Persona | Strategy for Success

If you're a businessman, you've probably heard the term persona marketing before.

Nowadays, " personas " have become an indispensable tool for marketing teams.

However, there are actually many people who have only heard of the term persona but do not fully understand how personas can actually be used in marketing.

In this article, we will explain what persona marketing is, its specific effects , and how to set it up .

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Persona Marketing Overview
The difference between persona and target
Specific Effects of Persona Marketing
Achieve user-centric marketing
The image of the user that should be imagined throughout the organization becomes clear
How to set up personas in persona marketing
Two rules for successful persona marketing
1. Don’t create personas based on bias or preference
2. Don’t create a persona and leave it alone
Persona marketing is effective precisely because needs are prone to change.
Persona Marketing Overview
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What is a persona?
The word persona originally comes from the Latin word "persona," and in marketing it refers to a specific user profile that is likely to purchase a company's products or services.

The more specific your persona is, the more effective it will be for your marketing.

Therefore, when creating a persona, you need to set not only "age and gender" but also " workplace, values, hobbies, marriage, family composition, and lifestyle ," and create a specific character that seems as if it were a real person .

Persona marketing is the practice of using a persona as a character to conduct marketing .

Persona marketing is mainly

When developing a new service or product
When improving an existing product
It is known as one of the most effective marketing techniques.

The difference between list of andorra consumer email persona and target

Both personas and targets are used to narrow down the image of users who need your company's products, so at first glance they seem to be the same thing.

However, the difference between a persona and a target is how precisely the person profile is narrowed down .

For Target
When it comes to targets, we narrow down the profile to something like "teens to twenties, female, office worker."

For Persona
On the other hand, when it comes to personas, it is necessary to create a more realistic character profile, such as "25 years old, female, office worker, works at a printing company in Otemachi, lives with family, has a teenage sister, hobbies are..."

In this way, the target is broader , while the persona is more specific , and they both play a role in narrowing down the target image.


What is targeting? Specific strategies | Dangerous misconceptions What is targeting? A detailed explanation of important marketing strategies and dangerous misconceptions
Specific Effects of Persona Marketing
Increase sales

Persona marketing allows you to imagine your target in more detail and specific terms, which results in the following specific benefits.