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Amount to be seized from wages

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:27 am
by Mitu8990
Non-seizable assets
The following are considered non-seizable: furniture and household goods and the clothes of the person executed and his family, which are not considered superfluous. Also, those goods such as food, fuel and others which, in the opinion of the court, are essential for the person executed and his dependents to be able to provide for their subsistence with reasonable dignity.
In addition, books and instruments necessary for the exercise of the profession, art or trade to which the person executed is dedicated are non-seizable, when their value is not proportional to the amount of the debt claimed.

In the event that the self-employed person receives a salary or a pension, only the amount that exceeds the minimum interprofessional salary may be seized. All amounts that exceed this amount may be seized according to the following scale:

On the excess of the usa shopping data SMI that goes up to double the same, 30% can be seized.
Up to three times the SMI, 50%.
Up to four times the SMI, 60%.
Up to five times the SMI, 75%.
Anything exceeding the above amount, 90%.
These percentages may be reduced by between 10% and 15% depending on the family burdens that are proven. If the person against whom the debt is executed is the beneficiary of more than one payment, all of them will be accumulated to deduct the unseizable portion in one go. The remuneration or equivalents of the spouses will also be accumulated when the matrimonial economic regime is not one of separation of assets.