For your marketing team to advance personalization within your marketing campaigns, they need to have faith in the data they are using. If they can’t realistically inject first names into a marketing campaign without a bunch of “JANE,” “jane,” or other common errors in the data being delivered to the customers, they simply aren’t going to use it.
It does more harm than good to send personalized messages using low-quality, non-normalized data.
5. Identify, Aggregate, or Remove Redundant Data
With normalized data, you’ll be able to identify redundant data in a uy country code customer data set, even when that redundant data is housed in multiple different fields. In order to normalize data, you have to ask yourself what the field is trying to say. What is it that the data is tracking? With that figured out you can identify when fields are trying to say the same thing and merge them to avoid confusion and limit costs. Aggregating data is critical for analysis.
6. Ensure Integrated Apps Work As Intended
With data normalization, you ensure that you are able to keep third-party apps and integrations working seamlessly. Every app has different specifications regarding how data needs to be formatted to work with the program. Even a simple formatting change can break a third-party integration.
With Insycle's automation features, you can ensure that your data is always formatted as needed and that your integrations with third-party apps never break.
A Tool to Help Normalize Data
Insycle is the perfect tool for normalizing customer data. You can use Insycle’s pre-built templates or customize your own templates for your organization’s data processes. Insycle makes it easy to identify standardization issues and normalize your data.
Additionally, when you first sign up for Insycle, your customer data will be analyzed and a Health Assessment will be generated. Included in this Health Assessment are multiple predefined categories that help companies with normalization and standardization. The Health Assessment provides links to fixing these issues directly.