Automating Customer Data Deduplication

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Automating Customer Data Deduplication

Post by Raihan8 »

With your template reliably identifying and merging duplicates, you can then automate the template to run on a set schedule to ensure that your duplicate records are consistently identified and merged.

deduping automation

Further, you can bundle multiple templates into a recipe and automate them together. That way, duplicate records are being identified in merged in multiple ways, maximizing the number of duplicates that you are able to merge in your database.

deduping recipe

Imagine having all of your duplicate records identified and usa phone number merged on an ongoing basis, almost completely eliminating all duplicates from your database.

Duplicate Data Is a Bigger Issue Than Most Know
Duplicate contact and company records gum up the machinery that drives businesses forward. What may initially seem like a small problem on the surface is actually an issue that should be a top priority to fix.

Yet, many companies are blissfully unaware of how bad their duplicate data issues are. The only time they even think about it is when an employee complains. And even then, in many companies the response is generally a vague, “Yeah, we should do something about that,” without any follow-up.

If more companies had a true understanding of the impact of duplicate records, they wouldn’t be so quick to overlook them.

But insycle delivers a more comprehensive solution than just identifying and merging duplicates. It's a complete CRM data management platform, helping companies to see through data quality blind spots, improve operations, and position themselves for growth.

Want to learn more about how Insycle can help you improve your data management operations? Learn more about how Insycle can help and make data quality a priority moving forward.
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