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In this sense, there has been constant

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:57 am
by sumonasumonakha.tu1
Share Courtney RivesRock author vector Author ‘Don’t Start Content Production At All Until You Understand Your Brand Story’, Says Brianna Dunbar, Podcaster And Growth Expert Raphael Pires Raphael Pires Jun 29, 22 | 36 min read ✓ Human crafted content Updated: June 29, 2022 jam session with Brianna Dunbar Need content for your business? Find top writers on WriterAccess! Try for free It’s nothing new that the internet and the world today is filled with information and content. So much so that many brands may have started to wonder what else is there to create and how to keep up.

Talk about the need to humanize content and invest in strategies for it to stand out. But Overseas data how can you differentiate yourself from a tough crowd such as the one we have today, and most importantly: can you create really impactful content if you don’t know who you are? That was the quest that drove Brianna Dunbar, founder of the amazing podcast Badass Basic Bitch, to success and to grow a multi-million dollar business. Working with content and brand development, Brianna suddenly realized that she had created tons of different brands but, at the end of the day, no one knew who she was.

“I wasn’t anybody, but I was building all of these big brands… That’s when I came to the realization for myself that when people searched for me, I want them to know who I am and I want to control that narrative.” That was when she started her own brand and gave a face, a voice and a heart to her content, making it come alive. This attracted people, making her audience go through the ceiling. In Rock Content’s Jam Session, which is a mix of interviews, webinars and more with world’s best in class marketers, Brianna shared her story and gave brilliant tips and insights about brand building and content creation.